Our Services

You can explore the services we offer below, Although each project is unique and varies you can get a feel for our general project processes and service offerings below. Whether you’re thinking of renovating or extending your current home, need to update and inject some thoughtful design into the interiors of your home or office or just want a holistic approach to design to see the possibilities and where this journey may take you- let’s talk!

Initial Design Consultation

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An initial meeting allows for a thorough consultation and understanding of your unique needs & requirements. By getting to know you & having an in depth understanding of your space, it will be clear which services you will need in order to complete the design. Early Planning is key when designing a new space, the initial consultation will evaluate the project space and talk you through our processes and the range of services that will be suitable to complete your project. Understanding the site and its parameters is the best way to maximise the potential of the property and allow the design to represent the space you want to be in. From creating and expanding into new spaces, updating the old, or focusing on the interiors- we have you covered.

Brief & Site Analysis

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Understanding the site and its parameters is the best way to maximise the design and is just as important as understanding your requirements and how you want the spaces to function. Here I will get to know you, your requirements and how you want the space to look and feel. This entire process is a collaboration between the client and designer. After I have picked your brains and gotten to know you and how you want to live it's time for me to put pen to paper.

Spatial Planning & Initial Concepts

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After our initial meeting no doubt we will be going crazy with ideas and different ways to achieve your desired result. Spatial planning is crucial in creating spaces that functionally flow seamlessly from one to the next. We design spaces that make sense and use the location, site and existing conditions to inform and contribute to the big decisions. This is where all of the inspiration images come into play and ultimately form the bones of the design. We have a holistic approach to design and will look at the entire space, inside and out and make recommendations on how the space can flow seamlessly and which decisions can elevate your project to the next level.

Concept Development

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This stage allows for your chosen concept to be further developed, refined and finalised in order to provide a more accurate costing of the design. Here you will be able to see your design come to life and be able to visualise yourself in the spaces.

Design Development

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Schedules, spreadsheets, plans, design documentation is everything we will develop to get the project moving. This is where the finishes, fixtures, fittings and appliances will be specified that uniquely align with your vision and style, along with all of the other documentation needed to make the design your new reality.

During Construction

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Making sure the project is running smoothly, we can be as involved as much as you want or need. This stage is important to maintain the ongoing communication between the designer, client and builder throughout the construction phase ensuring that what has been designed is being delivered.

Furniture, Furnishing & Styling

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Adding the finishing touches to your new space informs how it is perceived and used. The location and style of furniture really is the ‘cherry on the cake’ and defines how the space functions. This stage should not be understated and really completes the beautiful empty canvas you have created, sourcing beautiful pieces from national and international designers could be all you need to make the space feel comfortable and complete.

Is your project already underway?

Think you have missed out? Think again! If you have a project that is being developed, the plans have already been drafted or it is currently under construction and want to pick our brains- It’s never too late. Early planning is key when designing a new home or work space, by reviewing the floor plans and documentation we can see the design potential and make suggestions on how to achieve exactly what it is you’re after or give the space a little bit more sparkle. The earlier we are engaged the better! Get in touch if you want our expertise and recommendations on how to make your space extra-ordinary.